Join Our Singles Ministry

Our Ministry name is “Inside Out”
The name “Inside Out” prompts introspection, urging us to consider our identity beyond conventional labels. Each of us is filled with divine purpose, transcending mere relationship statuses. We are warriors, leaders, and stewards, ordained by God for significant roles in His kingdom.
Our ministry endeavors to nurture holistic growth, preparing individuals for their multifaceted roles in life—whether in entrepreneurship, parenthood, marriage, or fulfilling their divine calling in the kingdom of God. Let us shift the focus from relationship statuses to the grandeur of God’s plans for each of us. Together, let’s embark on this journey of self-discovery and purpose in God, enriching lives from the inside out.
This is our motto!!!!

Contact April Ward for more information.
Phone: (954) 742-7832 extension 1287 /