Ways to Give
An operator is standing by to take your call during service and business office times. Please call 954-742-7832.

Click GIVE NOW or scan the QR code below to enter the amount you want to give and designate where you want the funds to go.
Give as a guest or set up an account to view your past giving, set up recurring gifts, print tax statements, and update your membership profile.
1. Text the keyword ‘TFCGIVE’ (no spaces) to 877-770-4416.
2. Click the link in the message you receive.
3. Follow the link to complete your giving.

Zelle – How to give using Zelle®
1. Get started by enrolling your email or U.S. mobile number through your mobile banking app or with the Zelle® app. To download the Zelle® app go to your Google Play Store or Apple Store on your cellular device.
2. Enter givetfc@thefaithcenterint.org as a new recipient.
3. Enter the amount to send. Please include your phone number and giving category (tithes, offerings, missions, etc.) in the memo section.

How to send money using Paypal
- Click Send & Request at the top of the page.
- Enter the username tfcgive
- Enter the amount you want to send and enter your name, phone number and type of giving in the memo field.
- Click Continue.
- Select how you will pay.
Review and confirm the information on the screen and click Send Money Now.
P.O. Box 9726
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311
Please Note: Your email address is retrieved solely to provide you with a confirmation of donations given.

Drop Box
There is a drop box available for your use, on the west side of the church near the Business office entrance, 5555 N@ 95th Avenue, Sunrise, FL 33351.