Case management systems planned to connect clients with services and referrals (e.g.) food, baby needs, gift cards for clothing, electric bill, rent/mortgage and water bill assistance.
Broward County Community Action Agency
- LIHEAP Program (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program). Federally funded program that provides support to needy low-income households for utility bill payments.
- https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/broward_county_community_actio.html
- Mills Multi-Purpose Center, 900 NW 31st Ave, Suite 3100, Ft. Laud, FL 33311
- 954-357-5001
Gateway Community Outreach
- LIHEAP Program (Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program). Federally funded program that provides support to needy low-income households for utility bill payments.
- https://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/broward_county_community_actio.html
- Mills Multi-Purpose Center, 900 NW 31st Ave, Suite 3100, Ft. Laud, FL 33311
- 954-357-5001