Senior Pastor
Joel Tudman
Senior Pastor
Senior Pastor Joel Tudman is focused on building the Kingdom of God through evangelism, discipleship, and helping believers become the best versions of themselves. He is a preacher, teacher, singer, actor, author, communicator, and coach.
In 2025, Bishop Henry Fernandez, after much prayer, fasting, and seeking God for direction, passed the pastorship of The Faith Center to Dr. Tudman. Under his leadership, The Faith Center is working to take the cities, the state, the region, and the world for Christ.
Pastor Tudman believes that The Faith Center can reach today’s harvest through a combination of face to face evangelism and the strategic use of technology and social media. Pastor Tudman declares that The Faith Center is home and together we can use our God’s and talents to create a culture that teaches, invites, and builds for the future.
He has served as a Bishop while founding and pastoring The Place of Faith in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. He has also served as a pastor and mentee of Bishop T.D. Jakes while serving at The Potter’s House in Dallas, Texas.
He is happily married to Pastor Latasha Tudman and together they lead a family of nine children ranging in age from 30 to 13.